It has been over a year since I last wrote. I have thought of getting back to sharing my thinking but had yet to get my thoughts down in a format to share.
It has been a wonderful and sometimes bumpy road trying to balance life and work. I am in the midst of it all right now. I am loving being a mother of two even when we have sleepless nights. I am enjoying the challenge of improving my skill set as an Instructional Coach at a school site this year. I am also thankful that both my husband and I are furthering our education. He attends night school during the week and I go every other Saturday to Santa Clara County Office of Education to earn a Preliminary Administrative Services Tier 1 Credential.
I am thankful that my time spent in school is allowing me to further my learning and be more effective in my current role. I appreciate the instructors and other educators in my cohort because they push my comfort level and make me reflect with the questions and discussions we have in class.
I write this to share my #oneword for 2018. I tossed around and thought deeply about the following words: Empower, Why, Patience, Goal, Reflect, Question, and Listen. I have had to sit on all of these words and question each of them - ask myself why those words resonated with me. Because of that process, “Curious” came to mind. I chose curious because I am eager to know and learn. I want to be more curious when working with teachers and students. I want to be curious when talking with friends and family. I want to be curious when things do not go as planned to figure out the reason for that, so that, I can learn from the experience.
I look forward to this year. I look forward to being curious, in my personal life, work, and school. So, for 2018, my one word is CURIOUS.
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